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Meet Noelle

Noelle Peterson is passionate about helping women step into their identity and power so that they can create the life they desire. She is the author of Dream Life Planner: Move From Tired and Overwhelmed to Free and Empowered, co-author of Achieve Wellness and the pretty half of the Smiling Coaching Couple. Noelle helps women awaken their dreams and design a path to reach them. She works with you on your identity, values and boundaries by raising your awareness of your innate purpose and desire allowing you to align your daily tasks and goals with your life's dream.

I've got a way to help you.

My name is Noelle. I help women find their identity once their kids move out. We all have a purpose and being a mom or housewife isn't necessarily the ultimate goal. Life is honestly incredible once we figure out our why. I like writing, speaking and helping women thrive in their passion.

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Empowering Women Blog


Embracing Our Influence

June 06, 20233 min read

Embrace Our Influence

As women, we are often defined by our roles as mothers. When our children grow up and begin to carve their own paths in life, it can be challenging to let go and shift our focus to new endeavors. As midlife women, we find ourselves at a crossroads, unsure of how to navigate this new phase of our lives. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of embracing our influence and allowing it to be our guiding light as our children grow up. We each have unique skills, abilities, and experiences that can be channeled into new and exciting opportunities.

1. Letting Go of Our Children

When our children are young, we are their primary caregivers. We are responsible for their safety, wellbeing, and development. As they grow up and become more independent, it can be challenging to let go of the control we once had over their lives. We must learn to trust that we have equipped them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the world. This means letting them make their own decisions, even if we don't always agree with them.

2. The Power of Our Influence

As women, we have a unique ability to influence those around us. Our children are perhaps the most important people we will ever have the opportunity to influence. As they grow up, they will carry with them the lessons we have taught them, the values we have instilled in them, and the example we have set for them. Our influence does not end with our children, however. We have a responsibility to use our skills, abilities, and experiences to make a positive impact in the world.

3. Discovering Our Purpose

As midlife women entrepreneurs, we have the opportunity to redefine our purpose in life. This may involve exploring new passions or rekindling old ones. We must remember that we were put here for a reason, and our unique talents and abilities are meant to be shared with the world. We can use our influence to make a difference in our communities, create meaningful work, and inspire others to pursue their own passions.

4. Overcoming Fear and Doubt

As we navigate this new phase of our lives, it is normal to experience fear and doubt. We may worry that we are too old, too inexperienced, or too busy to pursue our dreams. It's important to remember that these feelings are normal and should not hold us back from pursuing our passions. We must learn to trust in ourselves and in the power of our influence. Our experiences, both as mothers and as women, have prepared us to overcome any obstacle that stands in our way.

5. Embracing Our Influence

In the end, embracing our influence means letting go of our fears and doubts and stepping confidently into our new roles as midlife women. We must trust in our abilities, discover our purpose, and use our unique skills and experiences to make a meaningful impact in the world. We may no longer be defined solely by our roles as mothers, but our influence remains a powerful force in our lives and in the lives of those around us.

Embrace Our Influence

As our children grow up and begin to carve their own paths in life, we must learn to let go and embrace our influence as midlife women. We each have unique skills, abilities, and experiences that can be channeled into new and exciting opportunities. By discovering our purpose, overcoming our fears and doubts, and stepping confidently into our new roles, we can make a meaningful impact in the world and inspire others to do the same. Our influence remains a powerful force in our lives and in the lives of those around us. Together, we can create a brighter future for ourselves and for the next generation.

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Noelle is a powerhouse of strength and enthusiasm. She has made it her life's mission to help women realize their individual purpose and discover the power they hold within themselves. She is passionate about inspiring women to take charge of their lives and embrace their unique gifts.

From leading workshops to teaching courses, Noelle has helped countless women unlock true prosperity through uncovering what they were truly meant to do with their lives. Noelle will be speaking to your women's group about how to draw upon inner strength and uncover purpose in order to empower one another for greater success.

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